Oops! I haven't kept this blog as updated as I should... *blush*
Here's the info for class today:
READING ASSIGNMENT: Read Act III, Scenes 3-4 of Hamlet.
WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Give an example of eavesdropping. What do you think of it?
BONUS Question: Where did the name Hamlet originate? How does it relate to William Shakespeare?
Race to Royalty:
We crowned our first two royalty last week, and had a fun coronation ceremony for Monica and Shelly Warner! :-) I can't wait to see how many everyone reads, watches, or listens to this week! :-)
We had great presentations this week by Jacob, Brock, and Blythe! Excellent work, guys! :-) Below are the presentations for next week. Remember, you can be as creative as you want to be! Each presentation should last no longer than 10 minutes.
Jana and Sarah Dye: Education in Elizabethan times
Caleb Ball: Geography of England
Johanna Ball: Mental Illness and Retardation
Love, Mrs. K.