Friday, July 15, 2011

Want to Train to Teach YES Classes???

Dear Friends,

I have been approached by several people to train them in teaching Shakespeare Classes. I would like to get a head count so that I can set a date for the training before anyone hosts a class in the Fall or sometime next year. This training will either be free or around $20 so I can rent a larger location, depending on interest. I will NOT be personally teaching Shakespeare in the Fall, and I would LOVE to help others learn how to start and run a class based on the Bard, and then how to produce a successful show in the Spring. :-)

Please vote in the survey at the link below so that I can get an idea of what date would work for everyone. Thanks so much!

Take the survey here:

Click here to take survey

NOTE: If you do not live in Arizona, but would like me to teach you how to start and run your own Shakespeare class, please contact me privately at libermama at gmail dot com . I am considering recording the training I will do this summer so that others not in my area can also learn how I teach my classes and produce my shows. Let me know SOON if you're interested! :-)