Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall 2009-- Week One

We had a great time on Wednesday, and I'm so excited to be mentoring your children in our YES class! Every week, you will receive an e-mail from me, telling you what the assignments are for next week.

Here are this week's assignments, due on the 16th:

READING ASSIGNMENT: For next week's discussion, they should read scenes 1&2 of Act I of Hamlet. In this class, we use the Cliff's Complete version, which is readily available on Amazon. (Barnes and Noble in IF doesn't have it, but they can order it.) Before their books come in, they can easily find the entire Hamlet script online for free.


"What does 'frailty, thy name is woman' mean? Are women more frail than men? Explain."

PRESENTATIONS (10 minutes each):
  • Hannah P.-- "Religions of the Times"
  • Brennan K.-- "The Wars of the Roses"
  • Monica W.-- "What Did People Wear?"
Each student should have received a student packet, (let me know if they did not get theirs!) so they will need a 3 ring binder to store it in, and a pen or pencil for taking notes in class, and their HAMLET scripts when they get them. We will be discussing the reading and the finished writing assignments in class on Wednesday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 754-9916. Thanks for all your support, and I look forward to having your children in our Y.E.S. class! :-)

Mrs. Rachel Keppner, Mentor

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