Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life after the Shakespeare Play

The Cast of "The Comedy of Errors"
I think it's finally sinking in that the show is over.


For a number of reasons, this was the most STRESSFUL time I've ever had directing a show. BUT, it was still wonderful; I love all my actors and their parents, and I think they still love me, so it's all good. *wink*

Some of the gorgeous girls in our show
I am especially pleased with how the costumes turned out. We had some great seamstresses helping us! (Thank you Mom, Heather, Toni, Staci, Audrey,and Samantha! Oh, and I sewed some, too.)

Here are some photos of the cast in action on stage, as well as goofing off. I'm sure going to miss these kids!!!

Brennan as Antipholus of Syracuse being tied up by Madame Pinch's "Minions"

Bonny, Alyssa, Rebecca and Carli

"Satan, avoid!"

Beautiful "sisters"

"I'm not mad, you doting witch"

"'My Gold,' quoth he!"

About this year's show:

We set Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors" in 1774 Jamaica, and it was SO FUN!!! The cast did great, and we had some wonderful audiences. I'm tired, and a bit relieved it's all over, but at the same time, I miss all my actors and the team we formed these last few months.

I love you, YES Kids!!! See you at the cast party!!!

Mrs. K.

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