Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 21, 2010 Class

Her Ladyship, Miss Elizabeth

Dear Shakespeare Students,

We had a great class Thursday! The warm-ups were really fun and Carli gave us an entertaining and funny presentation on "Death and Burial in Renaissance Times". Her handouts (and her cute costume!) were quite a hit! Elizabeth passed off her soliloquy yesterday, AND was the first to advance to the rank of  "Ladyship"!!! YAY ELIZABETH!!! :-)

I forgot to practice the soliloquy with everyone! Oops! So, please be sure to work on it on your own this week.

Here are your assignments for next week:

Reading Assignment: Act III, Scenes 4-6
Writing Assignment:
Does getting what you want always make you happy? Why or why not?
Plays: How many plays have YOU read/watched/listened to??? I challenge you to rack up more plays this week! :-)
Memorizing: How are you coming on Macbeth's soliloquy? Be sure to work on memorizing this week!!!

See you next Thursday! :-)

Mrs. K.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This Week in Shakespeare...

Iambic Pentameter!

Hello, dear ones!

I hope you've been having loads of fun reading/watching/listening to more plays. We're halfway through the semester, now! What do you all think about "A Comedy of Errors???" Any other plays you're loving and would like to perform?

Hopefully, after last week's lecture, you have a greater appreciation for "Iambic Pentameter", right?

Here's a reminder for what's due this week:

Reading Assignment- Macbeth Act III, Scenes 1-3
Writing Assignment- "Does getting what you want always make you happy?"
Presentation- Carli M. on  "Death and Burial in the Elizabethan Age"

Mrs. K.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Coming Up: Week Five Assignments!

What, ho, good lords and fair ladies!

Here's what's due this Thursday:

Reading Assignment- Macbeth Act II, Scenes 1-2
Writing Assignment- "What is true courage? Explain."
Presentation- Duke A. on "Theatre and Acting in the 16th Century"
Snack- Morganne K.

Have you read/watched/listened to a play or two this week? Start thinking about what play we should perform next semester!!! :-)

Mrs. K.